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Due to the current geo-political situation and the timing of the C4E Forum 2023, taking place after a winter with high energy prices across Europe, the main topics that will be addressed at the event are energy security, the rebuilding of Ukraine and EU policy (REPowerEU and Fit-for-55 package).
The above key topics will be discussed at the high-level plenaries but also in the panel sessions from a more practical perspective (see general programme structure).
The Organising Committee has reviewed the submitted presentation outlines and has structurised the panel sessions – below the draft titles:
Conference room: ENERGY
Panel Leader – Oliver Rapf
More information available here.
Conference room: MOTIVATION
Panel Leader – Mihai Moia, ROENEF – The association for promoting energy efficiency in buildings, ROMANIA
Conference room: INNOVATION
Panel Leader – Susanne Dyrboel, ROCKWOOL, DENMARK
Conference room: INSPIRATION
Panel Leader – Quentin de Hults, European Copper Institute, BELGIUM
Conference room: MOTIVATION
Panel Leader: Aniko Palffy, MEHI – Hungarian Energy Efficiency Institute, HUNGARY
Conference room: ENERGY
Panel Leader: Roland Gladushenko, EURIMA, Belgium
Conference room: INNOVATION
Panel Leader: Zsuzsanna Koritar
Conference room: INSPIRATION
Panel Leader: Horia Petran, INCD URBAN-INCERC, ROMANIA
Conference room: ENERGY
Panel Leader: Zita Kakalejcikova, HfH International, SLOVAKIA
3. Lesson learned from the Hungarian one-stop-shop: the RenoHUb project, Fanni Sáfián-Farkas, MEHI, HUNGARY
Conference room: INNOVATION
Panel Leader: Justyna Glusman
Conference room: MOTIVATION
Panel Leader: Rémi Collombet, EuroACE, Belgium
Conference room: INSPIRATION
Panel Leader: Antonin Chapelot, The Coalition for Energy Savings, BELGIUM
Conference room: ENERGY
Panel Leader: Caroline Simpson, EuroACE, BELGIUM
Conference room: INNOVATION
Panel Leader: Rutger Broer, BPIE, GERMANY
EU policy update focussing on building renovation passports, Rutger Broer, BPIE, GERMANY
Steps towards Building Renovation Passports in Romania, Lavinia Andrei, Terra Mileniul III, ROMANIA
Building Renovation Passports, experience, barriers and solutions, Slovakia, Jana Bendžalová, ENBEE, SLOVAKIA/Jan Mykhalchyk Hradicky, Útvar hodnoty za peniaze (Value for Money Institute), SLOVAKIA
Building Renovation Passports - how to make buildings climate neutral?, Kamen Simeonov, EnEffect, BULGARIA
Conference room: MOTIVATION
Panel Leader: Andrei Popescu, INCD URBAN-INCERC, ROMANIA
Conference room: INSPIRATION
Panel Leader: Simona Kalvoda, C4B, CZECHIA
Parallel panel sessions are where most of the “magic” happens and they are among the most popular part of the programme. One of the many things that make C4E Forum special is the close interaction between participants. Both mornings on Wednesday and Thursday will be dedicated to panel sessions in which participants will have the opportunity to share their experience, discuss and look for inspiration for their work.
We insist strongly on short presentations (12 min; 3 presentations per session) and reserving at least half of the 90 min session for engagement with the audience and break-out discussions moderated by an experienced Panel Leader (who will also support the preparation of the session together with the Presenters by providing comments to their presentations, etc.).
Anyone is eligible to apply and give a presentation at the C4E Forum on topics that are interesting and relevant to various aspects of energy efficiency in Central and Eastern Europe. Presenters are asked to submit an application indicating their chosen topic and outline of their presentation (see a list of suggested topics in the form below).
All presenters have to register as participants. The registration fee structure is outlined here.