
Who is behind the organisation of the C4E Forum

Since April 2022 the Renovate Europe Campaign has became the new home of the C4E Forum:

Organiser of the C4E Forum in 2023

After organising the C4E Forums in 2016 in Bulgaria, 2018 in Poland and in 2021 in Romania (covid postponed from the originally planned 2020) in 2023 we go to Slovakia.

The new main organiser of the event, Renovate Europe Campaign, joins forces with the national co-organiser, Buildings for the future.

Idea and concept of the C4E Forum came from:


Organiser of the C4E Forum in 2021

After doing C4E Forums twice already (in 2016 in Bulgaria and 2018 in Poland) in 2021 we wanted to move again to another country of the CEE region and welcome some more participants. In order to achieve this goal we have found a reliable local partner on the ground in Romania with whom we once again make C4E Forum happen.