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The Central & Eastern European Energy Efficiency Forum 2023 (C4E Forum 2023) will take place between the 23rd and 26th of May 2023, in the central location of Šamorín near Bratislava, Slovakia.
The exact venue is X-bionic Sphere – a big accommodation and sports complex, beautifully located on the banks of the Danube River. An interesting hotel and activities centre (with an Olympic accreditation) is actually a renovated sanatorium from the old days. This is not the only link to the topics and spirits behind the C4E Forum as the conference rooms names in the venue are e.g. energy as well as inspiration and innovation. These mottos will for sure help when discussing the energy efficiency related topics during plenaries, panel sessions and workshop. After a busy day there will be a place to relax and network – check the draft programme outline.
Since the C4E Forum has a new main organiser, the Renovate Europe Campaign, and the national co-organiser Buildings for the future, there are also new ideas related to the venue. So expect the unexpected and check your mailbox for news (also when it comes to the venue!).
For the first time in the history of C4E Forum, part of the event will be held in another location!
For the late afternoon and evening of Wednesday, 24 May we will take the C4E Forum 2023 guests to Pezinok, a district town that is part of the Bratislava region. The historical and architectural jewel of this wine-growing town is a castle located a short distance from Bratislava, built in the 13th century, in which the influential Pezinok’s counts lived. It is often referred to as the “water castle“, because it was once surrounded by two moats. In the 19th century, an English park with rare trees was planted in its vicinity. Together with the park, the castle was declared a national cultural monument in 1963.
What is more, and what adds to the beauty of the place is that the building underwent a reconstruction in 2016 and after 3 years or work the reconstruction won an award for the construction of the year 2019 (traditionally organised by the Association for the Development of Slovak Architecture and Construction). You can see the pictures here.
When planning your travel to X-bionic hotel in Samorin – please check the useful travel guide.