Pre-conference Event – C4E Forum 2021

Reaching of the 2030 and 2050 energy and climate objectives represents a major challenge for the construction sector, which needs to be ready to deliver high energy performing renovations and, in particular, nearly zero-energy buildings. Renovation Wave for Europe is meant to support this goal, but requires a major effort to increase the number of qualified construction specialists at all levels, across the whole building design, operation and maintenance value chain.
The workshop aims to provide participants with insights on some of the initiatives being implemented under Construction Skills, sharing of best-practice from the region and an opportunity to exchange with the audience on ways to support the construction sector and the market in general to deliver the speed, mass and quality and performance required by the Renovation Wave for Europe.
The target audience is broad and includes professionals (from energy auditors for buildings and designers to representatives of construction companies and on-site tradespersons), decision makers (central and local authorities, representatives of financial institutions and building owners) and technology suppliers.
The workshop is organised as a pre-conference event within the C4E Forum 2021 under the framework of the nZEB Ready project, a Horizon 2020 action aiming to support the increase of the market readiness for an effective nZEB implementation and to stimulate the demand for energy related skills. The project is financed by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101033733.
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