Plenaries are an opportunity to gather all C4E participants in one place and attend presentations of high level Speakers from international institutions, CEE countries and EU, invited to present and discuss regionally relevant subjects.
Opening plenary (Monday) – Leaders of the buidlings sector on capacity gaps and promoting energy efficiency in CEE
High level plenary (Tuesday) – Political leadership in times of crisis – How can closer cooperation foster energy efficiency as a solution to energy crisis?
Welcome cocktail is the first informal meeting after the Opening plenary and dinner, the first opportunity to get together and engage with the energy efficiency community. Usually, for a few moments the floor is also given to the Sponsors for a short introduction.
Panel Sessions are topical sessions created based on the presentations provided by the Participants. Depending on the number of presentations submitted by the Participants there might be organized simultaneously up to 5 sessions, in different meeting rooms. Th usual structure of such an event includes 3 slots of 12-minutes presentations on a specific topic within a session moderated by a Panel Leader.
Each panel session duration is 90 minutes and the 2nd half is dedicated to the engagement with audience and break-out group work.
The Panel sessions titles for 2023 are:
Controversial ideas session – we have all been there. Conferences often feel like preaching to the choir. Everyone patting each other on the back, agreeing on everything. It can even get a bit boring. Yet, we all know the best memorable events are the ones that are spiced up by a little controversy e.g. Do we need more policy at EU level or do we need the MS acting now?
Workshops are 60 minutes events prepared and hosted by Sponsors. OC strongly encourages the Sponsors to prepare a workshop on an important, relevant topic and avoid product-related PR.
DIY session is a slot on Thursday afternoon used for relaxing and engaging activities that involve all Participants for a good quality time spent together.
Closing talk is a short talk on broader topic given by inspirational/motivational speaker.
Party is an important part of the program, no explanation needed